If we ask digital book makers about what is the most important feature that can make their digital publication standing out from the competitors, the answer would inevitably be adding the interactivity of their digital publications. It's true because interactivity decides reading experience of reader. The more interactivity you can achieve, the more reader engagements your can acquire. So a good digital publication should not only be made with vivid page flipping effect, but continuously increase its interactivity by adding novelties that extremely engage readers. Thanks to the technology and the efforts of program engineers, more and more digital publication with super interactivity will reach the readers. What is the fundamental technology of interactivity in contemporary world? Interactivity is actually based on sophisticated technology. Conventionally if we intend to make interactive pages, we should make it to be flash. With the increasing number of mobile devices, flash has gradually been eliminated because it is not compatible to mobile devices. To bring interactivity to a wide range of people, program engineers have initiated Jquery and Css3 tools that can help create super interactive web pages while friendly to mobile devices. ----FlipHTML5 So ,to ensure that digital publications can have super interactivity and can read a wide range of different users, digital makers may apply Jquery and Css3 tools to make high quality publications to their readers. The best advantage of Jquey and Css 3 is that program engineers can use the very tools to continuously create interactive novelties to digital publications. Basically interactivity of digital publications include allowing readers to view e-publication through navigations, to customize background skins to their digital reading, to embed rich media such as YouTube video, audios, pictures and hyperlinks, to online or offline publish their readings.