With Picolino you can share your photos, images and videos with friends. Picolino allows you to show your photos and videos to anyone: Share it with friends, family members or publish it on the web. You may set a password if you want to control who can access your albums. Picolino enables you to easily sort and optimize your photos. Features overview: * Your Online Photo Album: Picolino allows you to upload photo albums and videos and to share them with your friends and family * Create album: Simply enter an album name, select your images and videos and Picolino creating a picture album on the Internet for you. * Send your album: Share albums with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, or send them an e-mail with a link to your album. * Watch albums on the Internet: Look in your albums from anywhere with the album link. For example: homepage * Password protected albums: Assign a private album with a password to control who can see your private album and who not. * Image optimization: When you import the images to Picolino then you have the possibility to run a gray, sepia or contrast optimization to get even more out of your images. * Store your photos fail-proof in the Internet: With Picolino you can store your photos and videos in the Internet. So they will not be lost if something happens to your PC.