Hi Slider makes jQuery slideshow for users and it is a free jQuery Content Slider Plugin. The jQuery slider with amazing transitions from Hi Slider is free for users to output as a plugin format. Hi Slider as the jQuery Slider maker offers users multiple different image transition effects to apply for sliders, and as a fantastic jQuery Slider Plugin maker, it contains different style templates and skins and supports Image, YouTube and Vimeo videos importation. Benefits of Free jQuery Content Slider Plugin Without coding to let users make free jQuery content slider plugin; Enable images, YouTube or Vimeo files full fil or scale the slider; Let all items automatically fit the slider; Support responsive web design to perfect suit the web pages; Add Ken burns zooming effect to all imported images in the jQuery slider; Batch import image files; Videos as YouTube or Vimeo are available in the free jQuery Content Slider Plugin; Adjust the order of impoted items with move buttons; Set basic info for each item with title and description; Separetely choose transition effect to each images; The importation with random transition effect will automatically apply different transitin effects to all items in slider; Individualize the action info to items; Open URL in the slider with action info as a open URL type and a inserted URL; Call JavaScript with action info settings on pages; Pop up with light box type action info can be applied; Select the template and skin to jQuery slider; Customize the size of the slider; Set details of auto flip features in custom panel; Choose options as colors, fonts or position for designing the appearance of the slider; Enable the touch Swipe in order to apply the jQuery on Pad; Enable keyboard navigating to offer users more flexibility in viewing the jQuery slider;